Ki te tapeke whakapaipai haumi o 120 miriona RMB, 6 raina production, ko te multifunctional whānui whakato raima raima tenei, ngā rokiroki, kawe, puranga, taputapu ururua-hangarua, putanga production ā-tau tae 2.8m3 miriona.
Kei te motu o Sulawesi te kaupapa, i Iniarangi.Ko te waahanga tuatahi o te mahere hanga ko te 4x36MVA teitei waro ferrochrome.Ka mau te kaikawe i te hanganga truss, e whakarite ana i te kawe maeneene o nga rawa me te kore e pakaru o nga rawa.Ko te wahanga o waenga o te kaikawe e mau ana i te hanganga whakaurunga nui o te kauhanga, a ko nga taha e rua me te waenganui he ara hikoi hei whakahaere i nga kaihoko.
Te hokinga mai o Talentedsky ki ana Kaihoko
Kei Qingdao, Haina a Talentedsky Industry Co., Ltd.I te mutunga o Hepetema 2022, ka toro atu a Talentedsky ki te kaikawe whitiki - he nui te kaha o te kaikawe whitiki roa-tawhiti i whakamahia i Huaneng North Wei Jia Mao Coal Power Co., Ltd., Ka whakamahia te kaikawe whitiki ki te kawe i te waro mo te whakaputa hiko me te kawe. te kaha o te 2,000 tana ia haora me te roa o te 1.5 kiromita;I whai waahi ano a Talentedsky ki te whakangungu hangarau i runga i te waahi mo te tipu whakaranu raima.Mai i Mahuru 12, ki Mahuru 15, 2022, Talentedsky Industry Co., Ltd utua he hokinga haerenga ki nga kaupapa kawe whitiki i Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Honore o Talentedsky
I roto i te Oketopa 2022, i roto i te mahi o "Industry Leadership Brand me Innovation Benchmarking Enterprise Publicity me te Whakatairanga" ngātahi whakaritea e te Institute o Culture Communication, Hainamana Academy o Pūtaiao Whakahaere, China Enterprise Development Research Center, "China Chamber of Commerce" maheni me te maha Ko etahi atu waahanga, ko Talentedsky Industry Co., Ltd. i whiwhi "tohu Hainamana rongonui" te taitara honore na te pai o te maakete me te rongonui o te waitohu.Ko tana kaiwhakahaere matua me tana kaiwhakahaere matua a Mr. Wu Xiaolong i tohua hei kairangahau matua e te Institute of Culture Communication, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences me ona whakaaro motuhake mo te whakahaere pakihi me ona whakaaro auaha me te wa whakatuu e toru tau.
Wā tuku: Hānuere-20-2023